From 19th to 27th March we're looking at energy as part of the Year of the Environment. You can read a bit more about how you can save energy as an individual or as a church, and what the team at Diocesan House and Bishopthorpe will be doing to save energy
We’ll be posting ideas and stories on our website, blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts through this period – we hope you find them useful.
The Revd Canon Richard Rowling has written collects for the Year of the Environment – here’s the collect for energy. Could you pray this throughout our period of focusing on energy?
Lord, you have given us the means to increase our skills and knowledge.
But as science has developed, we use vast amounts of energy,
and humanity will do anything to secure sources of energy.
Our insatiable demands are fuelling global warming and giving rise to climate change.
Help us to recognise the damage and the danger;
give us true repentance so that we might change our hearts and minds,
generosity and humility to alter the way we live,
to lessen our dependence on finite resources,
to reduce the pollution that we all have a part in causing,
and to hand on a better environment to future generations,
to do whatever is in our power to save the earth and live sustainably,
that our actions may be in accord with our words
and our lives may reflect your glory, our Creator;
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Eleanor Course